Listen to ABC North Coast radio every Tuesday morning at 6:45am for Space Updates by Dylan O’Donnell
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Star Stuff – Video Series
Star Stuff III v2 (2024)
Australia’s best astronomy convention is coming back for 2024! Speakers and tickets will be announced shortly! Subscribe at for details.
The End of Everything Generator
I recently discovered that all my astrophotography is greatly improved with @AstroKatie "End of Everything" quotes on it, so I built a random generator👉🏼
Enjoy! #inspiration
— Dylan O'Donnell (@erfmufn) February 10, 2021
Folks you need to see this: @erfmufn made an END OF EVERYTHING QUOTE GENERATOR! With quotes from my book and his own amazing astrophotography! It is wonderful and hilarious and you must check it out:
— Katie Mack (@AstroKatie) February 10, 2021
The A Word.
Astrology is the long standing practice of regarding the motions of the sun, moon, planets and stars as influential on human behaviour, character and destiny. It’s many incarnations produced many texts that while concerned with the motions of celestial bodies, were often wrapped in philosophical and medical “half rationalised magic” (North 2008) that persisted throughout the Middle Ages, scholasticism, the Renaissance and the beginning of the scientific method through to the present day.
The question presented here about whether modern astronomy owes some debt to astrology is predicated on the fact that beneath the superstition, actual data and study of the motion of the solar system and beyond were recorded and transmitted throughout these periods. Indeed the very foundations of astronomy are built on astrological texts and almanacs of ephemeris. Without this data can we assume that what we consider modern astronomy would not have surfaced in the time period it did?
That is a reasonable perspective I think and I can see why this is compelling. Even today more paper is wasted every single day printing horoscopes than is given for reporting on astronomy. Surely such a pervasive mythology has some merit? Agumentum ad populum.
I suggest that the practice of astrology, while instrumental in the documentation of ephemeris and it’s utility in the eventual divergence that became astronomy actually delayed astronomical exegesis.
Firstly, where astronomy got its first mathematically rigorous foothold in Mesopotamia astrology was eventually prohibited by the Islamic faith for predicting the future and state-sanctioned astronomy (which was funded and tenacious) was in direct competition with astrology which drew the ire of religious scholars (Saliba, 1994).
Secondly astrology also competed in the Christian Europe in the same way, and it took Thomas Aquinas to reform catholic thinking to be compatible with astronomical wisdom at the time, whose astrological underpinnings were at odds with the churches. Pope Sixtus V issued a papal decree “We decree and declare against astrologers” (Sixtus 1586).
In this sense, both western and eastern astronomy had to contend with astrology in order to move forward scientifically with both churches even though both the christian and muslim faiths had intrinsically astronomical questions (The new moon, direction of Mecca, Easter, Lunar calendars etc). It could be argued that the heliocentric view posited by Copernicus independent of astrology may have been more readily accepted had astronomy carried less theological and mystical baggage due to astrology. If astronomy was considered naturalistic and not supernatural in the first place – it would never have competed with the church, which would have been astronomys largest sponsor during the Renaissance both in the east and the west. Basically we’d all have our jet packs by now.
So yes, astrology is a dirty word. It’s not as bad as the C word*, but it’s up there.
North, J. (2008). Cosmos. USA: The University of Chicago Press.
G. Saliba, (1994), A History of Arabic Astronomy: Planetary Theories During the Golden Age of Islam, New York University Press
Ouimet, A. (2019) The Condemnation of Astrology: The Secret Vatican Archives and Pope Sixtus V Accessed 1st October via
Australian Space Agency Logo Animated
The new logo for the Australian Space Agency ipretty cool so I thought I’d animate it.
Comet 46P Wirtanen – Dec 10th 2018
This single frame taken with 11″ Celestron RASA and QHY12CCD was featured on ABC Science! Full story:
Asteroid 861 Aida
I just did my second blind identification of a UFO in my photos ever. Turned out to be 861 “Aida” discovered in 1917 and named after Verdi’s opera. Swings by every 5.5 years. Is a whopping 65kms big and hangs out in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
COM Long. 153 36 07.2 E, Lat. 28 38 49.2 S, Alt. 10m
CON Dylan O’Donnell [
ACK MPCReport file updated 2018.06.19 15:09:51
00861 C2018 06 12.41380 11 20 55.09 +12 34 16.1 15.0 R XXX
00861 C2018 06 12.43372 11 20 55.85 +12 34 08.6 15.0 R XXX
00861 C2018 06 12.47807 11 20 57.24 +12 33 50.9 15.2 R XXX
—– end —–
Mars – 2016 vs 2018 – Mid June
Mars is approaching opposition and is currently experiencing a dust storm. The difference is clear in these two images taken 2 years apart but at the same time of year. Mars is already larger and continuing to get bigger as it approaches opposition.